You might be confused about how your employment status affects your trial work period or when to report income documentation. A group of San Diego Disability attorneys will help you answer these and other questions.
Can I Work Part-time at My Own Company?
This is allowed, but be aware that the Social Security Administration may find such individuals as doing substantial gainful activity, even if they are losing money (which is expected for new businesses owners). While this is enough to stop your benefits, it will rarely happen.
In addition, if you are working more than 80 hours a month, the SSA will conclude that you are performing trial work period services, even if you are posting losses. Good San Diego disability attorneys would urge you not to use up your trial work period this way.
When Must I Report My Work Income to SSA?
If you are a recipient of SSI benefits, you are required to report your monthly income by the tenth of the following month.
If you are getting Social Security disability benefits, the SSA expects you to tell them about your plans to begin work or establish your own business as soon as possible. YourSan Diego disability attorney could be interested in such information as well.
However, the SSA is vague about the exact deadline for you to send copies of check stubs and verification of any work expenses related to impairments. Consequently, you will probably receive conflicting information from various Social Security Administration personnel. To avoid overpayment, it’s safe to report earnings quickly. But you won’t have to worry about overpayment if you are keeping your income below the substantial gainful activity amount.
When you call the SSA to report that you have started work, also ask when you should send them income documentation. To avoid confusion, clarify to the Social Security Administration representative that you are receiving disability benefits instead of retirement benefits. Make sure that you obtain the name and location of the representative assisting you. Follow up with a letter to your local office, which states that you have initiated work and retells instructions you were given on how to report income. Maintain a copy of the letter in a safe place.
The San Diego disability attorneys at the San Diego Disability Law Group have the experience and legal knowledge on winning the disability benefits. For more information and a free initial consultation, call the San Diego Disability Law Group (Aline Gaba and George Heppner) today.